Your chance to win your share of more than $50,000 with JACK 96.9 “TOTAL RECALL is here!!!!

Weekdays @ 8AM, 11AM, 2PM and 4PM we’ll randomly test your memory by asking for the last 5 songs and artists played on JACK.

Be caller 9 at 604-280-5225 and you’ll have a shot at RECALLING the 5 SONGS & ARTISTS! Every song you RECALL in order (song & artist) earns you $50 and answer all 5 correctly, you take home $250!  Even if your memory is not as great as you are, if you don’t know one of the song/ artists in sequence, you can skip and try the next one.

So, make sure you remember to remember so you don’t forget to win or whatever!

The JACK 96.9 TOTAL RECALL…Play it. Name it. Cash in!
in concert with Kwantlen Polytechnic University.  Where thought meets action.  Visit



No purchase necessary. Contest starts August 12, 2024, at 8:00am PT and entry closes Friday, November 1, 2024, at approximately 4:00pm PT.  Open to residents of British Columbia who are listening within the terrestrial broadcast radius of JACK 96.9 and who are 19+.  To be deemed a potential winner, be the 9th (ninth) caller to reach the Station following any such cue to call and correctly identify the last 5 (five) songs and artists played before the cue to call. Each correct answer, in order, is worth $50 up to a maximum of $250 per contest occasion. There are no contest plays on September 2nd, September 30th or October 14th, 2024.. The grand prize winner must correctly answer a mathematical skill-testing question to win.  Full contest rules can be found here.