

People pay a lot of money to go places, and when they don’t see what they expected to see, they get upset. That’s what happened to one couple that went to Yellowstone National Park. After writing down their feelings in the park’s guestbook, a park employee ended up posting their thoughts to Reddit. This got Kiah & Tara Jean talking about their disappointing tourism stories, and then we heard yours. Audio, AND the story about the disappointing Yellowstone bears is here:



First, the story that started it all, including a picture of the note left by the disappointed visitors. And now for Kiah’s story:



How did New Zealand disappoint Matt from Maple Ridge? And what bad omen should’ve warned Sarah about her trip to Egypt? Those stories here:



Why did nobody warn Brian from Abbotsford that his bucket list item would get him covered is piss, poo, and sweat? Who knows, but his story is here:



Call us with your stories! 604-280-5225!