One of the most well-known Canadian broadcasters is officially signing off this week, and Canada is saying a heartfelt goodbye to the longtime host of The National, Peter Mansbridge.


Peter Mansbridge


It’s no wonder Peter Mansbridge has a genuine place in the Canadian household – he’s been delivering the news as a reporter for almost 50 years, and has been filling our homes with his iconic voice, heading up The National on CBC for the better part of 30 years.


Peter Mansbridge


Mansbridge has covered 14 federal elections, hosted eight Olympic ceremonies and conducted an estimated 15,000 interviews, sitting opposite Canadian and global leaders, along with numerous personalities from the worlds of politics, sports and entertainment”.


Peter Mansbridge


Mansbridge’s career will be highlighted on The National tonight at 9 p.m. local time, and his final edition will be broadcast from Ottawa on Friday June 30th, 2017. He will also become the interviewee of Mansbridge One on One, and that special interview will air on Canada Day, July 1, 2017. His final send-off as the CBC’s Chief Correspondent will occur after the Canada Day coverage.


Filed under: Canada, CBC, Peter Mansbridge