Photo by Pete Still/Redferns

On this day in 1985, Queen performed their iconic gig at Live Aid.

Brian May posted a clip to social media yesterday reminiscing on the show.

In his caption, he wrote:

Fondly remembering LIVE AID at this time of year, I was pretty amazed to see this – an amazing find – thanks to @iswearshesvintage and apparently somebody called Chief Mouse on YouTube. Here you see us rehearsing for the Queen Live Aid appearance – and talking about how we think it’s gonna be. And the rehearsal footage, captured raw, shows us in a completely different, relaxed state of mind, from the hypervibed way we will be on that extraordinary night in 1985. All sorts of adventurous variations in how we’re playing – which now seem like a precious capture by the BBC – a whole different ‘lost’ performance. In particular, listen to Freddie’s beautiful high notes in Bohemian Rhapsody.

He also added that he had “no idea this footage was out there”.

Here’s the video he is referencing: