Looks like an ordinary puppy…


Wolf Connection


Turns out one man got more dog than he bargained for!

After an 18 year old in Arizona adopted ‘Neo’, he quickly discovered the animal wasn’t acting like any other dog he ever knew. Even as a pup, Neo would break through the neighbour’s fence to be with other dogs, and rarely interacted with humans.

As Neo began to grow, his legs became quite lanky and he developed a thick fur coat – pushing Neo into the category of wolf-dog!


Repost! @gmariani took this awesome shot of Neo the other day! Neo has been with us for a few months and is such a goofball!!

A photo posted by Wolf Connection (@wolfconnection) on



Wolf-dogs are illegal is most of the USA and Canada, however, Neo has found his forever home at Wolf Connection, a sanctuary for wolf-dogs, where he is integrating with the pack and settling in nicely!


Neo 2
Wolf Connection
Filed under: Puppy, Wolf, Wolf Connection