You may have felt like you were being gouged this way before, but now we have proof! Canadians are getting ripped when it comes to international flights, paying some of the highest prices in the WORLD!


iStock recently conducted a study where they took into account ‘domestic and international flights from 75 of the world’s most frequently visited countries, calculating an average ticket cost per 100/km of travel, using on- and off-season flight costs for over a million journeys.’


Get this! It costs Canadians an average of US $94.66 per 100 kms on a full service airline for an international flight and US$43.70 per 100 kms on a low-cost airline.


Holiday suitcase


And if that seems expensive, hold on to your hat, because the cheapest international airfare comes out of China – where international flights cost an average of US$2.84 per 100 kms!!

A little closer to home, but still a striking difference from Canada, the U.S. average cost for an international flight is just US$18.05 per 100 kms for a full-service airline and US$12.84 per 100 kms for a low-cost airline.


We aren’t trying to dissuade you from flying abroad, BUT, staying closer to home may seriously cushion your bank account!!

Filed under: Airfare, Canada, Flying Abroad, Money Matters