The week has been a blast, too bad it’s in the past. We started at a farmers market, where Main Street rolled out the  red carpet. Queen performed with Adam Lambert, we felt kind of pampered. Ending along the seawall, we tipped our hats and said see y ‘all. Until next week we’ll have to say adieu, but to find us in the meantime keep reading to find a clue.

Here’s where we’ll be this week

  • Saturday, July 20th – Hard Rock Casino
  • Sunday, July 21st – Jog for the Bog at the Delta Planet Ice Facility

The JACK Roadies are excited to hit up tons of events throughout Vancouver and the Fraser Valley this summer! Keep your eyes out for the JACK Roadies in your area as we make our way through the summer!

Thanks to our friends at Booster Juice for keeping our boosters juiced!

Filed under: Adam Lambert, Farmers Market, Main Street, Queen