The new year means new beginnings. That means whatever you did wrong last year is in the rear view mirror right? Good, we’ll tear up our credit card bill now, here’s to fresh starts!

We all go into a new year promising to be better than we were in the past year, and we’ve set our sights pretty high on how 2019 will go for us. Jeff, Charis & Paul have each decided to share their 2019 new years resolutions.

Who do you think has the best chance of sticking to their resolutions the longest?


My New Years resolutions quite simple really :

  • To quit doing all of the stupid things I will undoubtedly do on New Years Eve.
  • To never be afraid to say something, even if I have no idea what I’m saying.
  • When all else fails this year I plan to play dumb.
  • At any point if I feel I have something important to say I will speak louder than everyone else.
  • To be more assertive, if that’s ok with everyone.
  • And finally make sure I see all and none of the above resolutions through to the end!


I actually don’t do New Year Resolutions. A bit of a buzz kill, I know.

Every Jan 1st though I listen to Arcade Fire’s Wake Up on repeat and think really positive thoughts. And if the sun is shining it’s even better. For real.


My New Years resolution, is to not eat 3 Aero bars a day, and a back of Zesty Doritos at night. I go to the gym everyday and still wonder why I don’t lose weight.

And off course. I want world peace in the new year.


What are your resolutions for the new year? Tell us on Twitter @jack969van


Happy New Year from all of us at JACK 96.9!