batman bomb

Have you ever had someone drop a bombshell on you? Monday morning, an anonymous listener called in with their story of a loved one dropping a bombshell on them, and after he poured his heart out on-air, the calls kept coming in. Listen to Kiah and Tara Jean all week at 8:40 to hear the stories live, or you can keep checking back here for an audio archive. If you’ve had a bombshell dropped on you, we’d love to hear from you. Call us at 280-JACK.


Monday, May 25th 2015

You wouldn’t believe how vulnerable this anonymous caller makes himself on-air, hear his story here:

 ***Bonus Mini-Bombshell: Michelle’s doctor dropped a bombshell on her that made him say “Huh, that’s interesting…”


Tuesday, May 26th 2015

This caller was about to go on a 6 month RV trip through California with her long time boyfriend, and then he drops THIS bomb:

***Bonus Bombshell: Paula’s boyfriend dropped a bombshell on her when they got back from a road trip, you wouldn’t believe what he said here:


Wednesday, May 27th 2015

In this special 2 part bombshell, Chris has to tell both his mom AND his best friend about something that would change their lives forever:


Thursday, May 28th 2015

Catherine from Vancouver’s soon to be ex-spouse dropped a HUGE bombshell on her that might just make you re-think who you’re partnered with:

***Bonus Bombshell: This anonymous caller had such a bombshell, that we had to disguise his voice for his own safety:


Friday, May 29th 2015

You won’t believe what Steve’s wife came up to him and said. Total bombshell from right out of nowhere!