It’s Hollywood’s favourite subject, it’s a favourite subject for many people which is why The Bachelor series has run 26 seasons on Citytv and RomCom’s are one of the highest grossing genre’s in the movie biz … ROMANCE, and it isn’t dead. Last week, something happened that Hollywood nor the Producers of The Bachelor series could have ever thought up. A true first for romance.

Speaking on TV shows, Drex thinks THIS show is pure evil

Turns out Tom Cruise FIRED 21 Pilots from the new Top Gun movie… and Drex doesn’t read beyond the headline.

Drex takes part in Vancouver’s favourite past time … offending Maple Leaf fans.

We’re all for the low hanging fruit (toot) on this station, so we close out the week with a new LIST! These are the top 5 toots of all-time (there is no where left for us to go)