The Weird Al movie looks more extravagant than the biggest ball of twine in Minnesota.

It takes non-other than Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe to portray one of the greatest song writers, musician, comedian, and parodist of our generation. WEIRD: The ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic Story, was written by Weird Al Yankovic himself so we’re sure the film is appropriately named.

“When my last movie, ‘UHF,’ came out in 1989, I made a solemn vow to my fans that I would release a major motion picture every 33 years, like clockwork,” Yankovic said in a statement when the project was first announced.

We’re sure in his 62 years, Weird Al has some pretty amazing stories. According to a press release, this biopic “holds nothing back, exploring every facet of Yankovic’s life, from his meteoric rise to fame with early hits like ‘Eat It’ and ‘Like a Surgeon’ to his torrid celebrity love affairs and famously depraved lifestyle,”. “WEIRD: The Al Yankovic Story takes audiences on a truly unbelievable journey through Yankovic’s life and career, from gifted child prodigy to the greatest musical legend of all time.”

We don’t have an official release date yet but we’ll pass it along once we do, until then, here are some photos and the first teaser trailer.


Filed under: 80s Music, Daniel Radcliffe, Weird Al Yankovic