We’re the WORST … last weekend was Drex’s birthday and instead of crafting some sentimental post or finding the most embarrassing photo we could of Drex, our social media guy was riding the Matterhorn at Disneyland so this tribute is better late than never right?

At least Drex wasn’t sitting around waiting for us to celebrate him … Drex ate his way, pretty well we might add, through his entire birthday weekend.

at least our listeners remembered

Thanks Bunny for making the rest of us look bad.

It’s fair to say Drex takes his job seriously. This week he had a serious moment he needed to share … something he was made aware of that he took the time out of his show this week to share with our listeners and you here in our weekly blog… as part of his continuance of education of adults on life hacking. You’re welcome.

What’s your BEST excuse to get out of any conceivable situation? Tall us on Twitter @JACK969Van

Time for more questions for our audience…

M.I.T has been doing some GROUDBREAKING research … about OREO’s??

Congratulations you’re now smarter for going through this week’s best of blog. Have a great weekend!