Wow, one year of Drex on JACK! 2021 is gone just like that, in a blur. While much has stayed the same this year because of COVID, lot’s has changed, like hair! On Drex’s head and on Bobby’s face.


and because of all the COVID restrictions still in place, they haven’t met anyone else in person on the JACK team

but they did have some fun moments in the studio this year.


Just like you’re trying to get through this blog, we all struggled to get through another year through COVID. So from us to you, it’s ok to SWEAR!


It was a wild year for Drex! Not only did Drex have a life changing epiphany in 2021



He also suffered from a midlife crisis


This year Lena tried to become a reality star! (That was a total fail.) Watch her ‘Bachelor in Paradise Canada’ audition HERE!


When Lena does find that one true love, she’ll enforce some pretty good ground rules about using the bathroom.


While we’re talking about Lena and the bathroom (& that could have its own blog) Lena had a conniption after visiting a Starbucks earlier this year


One of our favourite moments of 2021 was giving back to teachers with Project Pencil Case. 21 teachers across the Lower Mainland received a $500 cheque for their classroom. These teachers were nominated by their friends and peers. It was our way of helping more teachers to make up for how poorly we behaved in class all those years.


In August, we finally go to take our Go-Kart Counselling finalists for a rip around inside Fast-Track Indoor Go-Karting in Langley. Drex on go-karts, where their show is the banana peel.


We learned a new word in 2021 – ‘Accelerousal’. It got us excited to play the most dangerous game in radio “Word that sound dirty but are not”


One of our FAVOURITE moments of the year came by total accident. WHO is Super Mario’s brother?


We found a pregnant bride on TINDER!?



Dumbest Headlines


Top 5 WORST romatic gestures


Top 5 name misprounounciations


We watched the Summer Olympics and are now getting ready for the Winter Olympics so we found the ‘Top 5 WORST Olympic Fails’


and as we leave you to celebrate the holidays, we’re not sure how to say bye. Do we hug, shake hands, or wink … would the latter be creepy?


Happy holidays! Thank you for a fun 2021. We’ll see you in 2022!