Halloween is now in the rearview mirror, it feels like it shot right past us like Spuzzum at 120 clicks. Gone are the thrills of mini chocolate bars and pumpkin spiced everything, only to be replaced by all our favourites of the holiday season. Christmas movies on the TV, your favourite holiday songs on the radio, online pre-Black Friday shopping and our FAVOURITE holiday drinks … well that’s good for most people, but for Drex, who’s ready to call off the holiday season, how dare you Starbucks!

Just like the ‘Airing Of Grievances’ of Festivus, Drex has something he’d like to get off his chest.

and to say this has had an effect on him is putting it mildly.

While we’re on the subject of Drex and his grievances, he got into a little back and forth with Kevin Lim from our sister-station KiSS RADiO this week.

Drex might be offended over the latest Starbucks and parking fiasco this week … Lena never stops offending

We learned this week that “Life is an education, not a handout”.