It’s hard to believe September starts next week … that means by now Costco should have a full aisle of Christmas decorations, Save-On will have Halloween candy and the kids are all back to school in a week.

There are two things in this world that Drex is incredibly passionate about: collecting pencils and making the world a better place. Now he can finally combine those two loves, with Project Pencil Case!

We have a buncha money for teachers and we’re going to start cutting $500 cheques soon so NIMINATE a teacher you know (or yourself if you’re a teacher).

Smells like MEAN spirit

Spencer Elden, best known as the baby on the cover of Nirvana’s NEVERMIND album, is now suing the band!

What’s the WORST thing a kid has ever said to you?



Who knew morning show hosts could be so fashionable!?

DID YOU KNOW: We’ve all been microwaving food WRONG!?

Are you a GOOD driver?