The best of Drex on JACK?! Best?! That’s a typo, right? You meant the BEAST of Drex on Jack, and it’s No Fun Bobby, isn’t it? 

We start where we ended the week … with words that sound dirty … but aren’t. It’s our favourite game!


We’ve been self-isolating with our loved ones for over a year. That’s a long time in such close quarters with people we’re used to seeing less than our work colleagues. While some families have gotten bigger (thanks to the COVID baby boom), others have had a complete opposite fate … our Promo guy Billy and his partner are spending this time in a much different way than most! (She says she’s still uncertain on whether she wants to come within 6 feet of him) …


Bridesmaids starring Kirsten Wiig & Melissa McCarthy turned 10 this week! It’s one of those movies you feel like everyone has seen at some point right? Well, turns out only 2/3 of Drex on JACK have watched it …


Drex on JACK ask: Paying for $85 dollars in potty breaks? Was this woman done wrong by a tattoo artist?


Drex on JACK ask: What to expect when you’re expecting … did you have a preference on the sex of your baby when you were expecting?


Let’s check in on Lena and her vow of celibacy.

Lena decided to pamper herself, which is something she’s not used to doing … (Lena’s mom has never been thrilled with her appearance). How do you think it went?


Our $50K Buncha Songs contest continues, we still haven’t given away our $50,000 JACKpot and we still don’t know why “K” means “thousand” … keep listening because you never know when the winning buncha songs will play.