This week we gave away $7,500 through our $50,000 Buncha Songs contest, if you plan on winning $500, $2,500 or our $50,000 jackpot, let us help you manage your winnings.

BUT … did you know that’s not your only payday with JACK? If you can make No Fun Bobby laugh, there’s a cool $96.90 in it for you. Call Drex and leave us your joke, but it’s got to be good, as in more laughable than the income line on our T4.

Let’s all be like Steve, who made No Fun Bobby laugh and won $96.90 … ALRIGHT!


Have you ever sent back a gift, like you would send back cold soup at a restaurant? Our friend, well we thought he was our friend, Ryan Lidemark from NEWS 1130 gave us a gift that we promptly sent back.

Speaking of illegitimate kids … wait, who was talking about that? Lena and she has a List!! The Top 5 Illegitimate Children of all-time. Who knew!!?



Imagine NEVER having to iron again!? Some amazing tips for household chores.


This week we spoke to a dream expert about a recurring dream Lena’s been having (spoiler alert: She’s naked)


We’ve got to wrap up this week, everything in moderation, including french fries and us rambling on your screen …


Have you ever had the satisfaction of proving someone wrong when they said you couldn’t do something? Tell us on Twitter @JACK969Van using #DREXonJACK we want to know!