The Bachelor franchise announced its first ever ‘Bachelor In Paradise Canada’ series coming to Citytv later this year, so Lena, being hard up for love has decided to get an application into the show. She dreams of doing her best Kathy Ireland impression frolicking in a bikini on a shoreline, while eating Poutine and day drinking with Canada’s finest bachelor’s. We wish her the best of luck with that.


Bobby … the daredevil?

We found out Bobby is kind of a daredevil … but not in the Super Dave Osbourne kind of way.


and while we’re on the subject of weird things we keep in our car, we heard some of the craziest things our listeners keep in their cars

Let’s stick with the subject of Bobby for a minute, we have to thank Sunday from Surrey for making No Fun Bobby laugh this week and giving us our new favourite soundbite!

Oprah had the interview of the year this week with Prince Harry & Meghan Markle. Piers Morgan has been outspoken about his distain for Meghan, we did some digging and found out these two have a history!!

and we leave you this week on a high note … at least to us. It’s No Fun Bobby sneezing. You’re Welcome.

Filed under: Bachelor In Paradise, The Bachelor