It’s fun to write for JACK 96.9. Most times it’s about my favourite subjects, music and pop culture type stuff, but every now and again I get challenged to put something down that is out of my comfort zone – something that is not typical of me!

So today the challenge was to write down 6 things about myself that I don’t want to tell you!

Or better yet, 6 things I’m kind of afraid to tell you.

6 Things I'm Afraid to Tell You - Kenny



Now, the 6 things I have chosen to write about are things that I’m not ashamed of. It’s just stuff that I don’t really bring to light often.

So here goes! Stay with me.

1 – I don’t drink and never have…for no reason! I don’t have an issue with alcohol. I just never found a drink that I like. Beer tastes awful to me and liquor just never felt right. Many people assume I’m a recovering alcoholic or there was a past event that lead me down the path I walk. You would be amazed to see how many people just can’t wrap there head around a loud guy like me without drinking a drop of alcohol. Again, nothing against it, I just don’t drink! I do however, always keep beer close by because I was raised to always offer company a drink.

2 – My father died when I was 12. Yep, that sucked. He was a pretty cool guy! His name was Ted and he was a big fan of music. I wish he was around. I think he would have loved listening to JACK.

6 Things I'm Afraid To Tell You - Kenny


3 – I need what’s called “walking sedation” to go to the dentist. My whole life I feared the dentist. I would avoid going at all costs. But after I quit smoking I knew that a trip to the dentist was due! My brilliant wife handed me 2 pills (prescription meds) and promised me all would be well…. and she was right! I don’t remember a freakin’ thing. So whether it’s just a basic cleaning or having my wisdom teeth removed it happened without me remembering a thing! Thank goodness for my wife and my kick ass team of dentists and oral hygienists.

4 – I have battled my weight all my life. I’m a short guy and since I was young it has been a battle. At one point I was just over 350 pounds. It was pretty crappy. 25 years old with 2 young kids; I was definitely heading towards some bad stuff! I started to run and dropped 100 pounds. I still love food and I indulge, but I run lots! I think that’s right where I need to be…. enjoy the food I love but run lots! I wouldn’t consider myself an athlete but you will find me at the starting line of any organized run! If you ever are looking for a partner tweet me!


6 Things I'm Afraid to Tell You - Kenny


5 – I have issues with clothing. Growing up my mom sent me to a pretty strict Catholic school. We were not a religious family but my mom thought that I did need some type of structure in my life that had a faith element to it. I wore a uniform each day and hated every second of it! Because of that, I struggle to conform with modern styles and rules regarding fashion. People often say “dress for success” and “always look put-together”. I call bull on that. I wore a pressed, button up shirt, slacks and ties all my life and it did absolutely nothing for me! After years of being told exactly how to dress, I just want to wear a pair of shorts and call it a day. I don’t think the clothes makes the man. I’m my own man, or at least I try to be.

6 – My wife reads out loud to me. I don’t like to read, my mind wanders. The truth is, I’m 40 and most likely have undiagnosed ADHD. But not wanting to sit and read a book doesn’t mean I don’t want to read and learn! I remember a few years ago I really wanted to read Gordon Ramsey’s biography. As usual, I would start to read and before long my mind was wandering. I closed the book rolled over and told my wife I couldn’t do it. She said, “Okay, let me read it to you.” I know it’s lazy but I love listening to her!

So there it is. Six things I didn’t want to tell you, but I did, and it wasn’t so bad.

Thanks for taking the time! Is there anything you don’t want to tell me?

Hit me up on twitter.

Love your face!

Filed under: Afternoons with Kenny Jones, Kenny, Kenny Jones