BINGE WATCHER! I have never been a “binge watching” kind of a guy. Mainly because I have the attention span of a toddler at Christmas. Just as I settle into something I will catch something new out of the corner of my and eye and boom, it’s off to the next, soon to be, unfinished project.

Well that all changed when the Walking Dead was tossed upon me like an unwanted homework assignment.

Let me explain….I was hooked on the show because of a moment of parental promise. For months my son was talking about his love for the show. He started wearing Walking Dead t-shirts and collecting memorabilia. Day in and day out he would say, “Dad, you have to watch!” I kept putting it off knowing full well that I don’t have the patience to watch 4 seasons of TV to get caught up to where my son was. I would say, “Ahh bud, it’s too much of a commitment.”

I even went as far as laughing at people’s tweets regarding the show. ”Come on people! It’s a make believe zombie apocalypse!”

Then one random family dinner my son said, “Come on Dad, you will love it. I will even re-watch the first 4 seasons with you.” It was at that moment that I realized not all father and son bonding needed to be done on a football field or baseball diamond.
I thought, “This kid really wants to watch this show with me and that’s pretty cool. I should embrace the time together even if it’s in silence in front of, what my dad called, the idiot box.

So I agreed.

Well it was about 17 minutes into episode 1 of season 1 that I was hooked like a kid to Snickers bars. The characters, the story line, the thrill of a jump scare, it was all very exciting.

In the course of a month I had binge watched all the seasons!

The discussions that I would have with my son actually sparked a family obsession for the zombie show! We were all hooked, and so it was decided that Sunday was Walking Dead Night at the Jones’ household! The next season’s trailer was released this past weekend at Comicon and I thought I could share it with you now!


Filed under: Afternoons with Kenny Jones, Kenny Jones, TV, Walking Dead