Man are you old!  It has been 40 years since Star Wars hit theaters, do you remember going to watch it?


Let’s be honest, the best part about movies is the gossip and rumors that fly around after. Especially with a massive franchise like Star Wars. So I found some random Star Wars facts that will stop the rumors and maybe start some new ones.


  • Darth Vader’s chest piece has Ancient Hebrew etched onto it. It reads: “His deeds will not be forgiven, until he merits”



  • Carrie Fisher (5’1) often had to stand on a box while filming with Harrison Ford (6’1) so she was caught in the shot.
  • Jabba’s puppet was so big that up to seven crew members were needed to operate it on set. 
  • AT-AT actually stands for All Terrain Armoured Transport.
  • Yoda was originally going to be portrayed by a monkey carrying a cane and wearing a mask.
  • A New Hope‘s was originally titled The Adventures of Luke Starkiller.
  • George Lucas missed the 1977 Star Wars premiere because he was on holiday in Hawaii with Steven Spielberg.




  • The phrase “I have a bad feeling about this” is in every single Star Wars film.
  • Harrison Ford was paid $10,000 for his performance in A New Hope.

I would say that even for the time, Harrison Ford got ripped off. I wonder if they paid C3PO in data storage units?


  • Eric






Filed under: Facts, Star Wars