Emirates Airline is making the world’s largest commercial aircraft! The triple-decker APR001 includes a swimming pool, games room, gym and park!

But you know what they say… “If it sounds too good to be true…”

Emirates Airline
Emirates Facebook Page


On one hand, you can totally see how this seems like something that would be created in Dubai (think Dubai’s indoor skiing destination).


Emirates Airline
Emirates Facebook Page


On the other hand, you can only imagine that if flight attendants can’t serve hot coffee during any sort of turbulence, that playing a game of pool would cause some serious damage!!

Or, when the plane goes to land, consider where would all the water from the swimming pool go?…Safety hazards abound!

Emirates Airline
Emirates Facebook Page


This would help make the plane ride feel a lot shorter though! Maybe they’re on to something?


Filed under: April Fools, Emirates Airline