Do not pass go, do not find somebody to love.



You thought that the new pieces were next level, you might want to ask Grandma to leave the room.  She could get a little over excited when she hears this.


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Queen Rocker Brian May, announced today that the has been secretly developing Queen version of Monopoly for the last year.




Instead of getting a hotel up on Park Place, in this version of Monopoly, the goal is to build the band’s career up by playing gigs avoiding paying taxes, jail and bankruptcy.


You will follow the band from their first show at the Imperial College in 1970, to the last show with Freddie at Knebworth park in 1986.


Players pieces for the game are very Queen as well.  The giant robot from the News of the World cover, a bicycle for “Bicycle Race,” a vacuum cleaner which is a reference to the “I Want to Break Free” video, a hammer for “Hammer to Fall” and May’s guitar.


The new Queen Monopoly will be available on May 5th.


  • Eric
Filed under: board games, Queen