On this International Women’s Day, a new statue has been erected of a fearless girl, looking right down the snout of the iconic bronze Wall Street bull.


International Women’s  Day: Wall Street Bull


Installed the night before International Women’s Day, a statue of a young girl has been installed in Lower Manhattan. She stands with her hands drawn to her hips, in a powerful, defiant, fearless manner as the iconic bronze bull opposes her.

The statue was installed by State Street Global Advisors, a branch of Boston-based State Street Corp. The meaning behind the ‘Fearless Girl’ is to call attention to the lack of gender diversity on corporate boards and address the gender pay gap.

At the base of her feet reads a plaque, “KNOW THE POWER OF WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP”.



The statue is currently a temporary fixture, however, if there is an appetite to keep it, there’s a chance it will stay.

Filed under: Fearless Girl, International Women’s Day, Wall Street