I know we’re all already a little tired of hearing about Donald Trump – however – put all seriousness aside because ‘Bad Lip Reading’ has voiced over Donald Trump’s inauguration and it’s pure hilarity!


Bad Lip Reading Trump Inauguration
Bad Lip Reading

The video features Barack and Michelle Obama, Mike Pence, George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton (who may have taken the brunt of it, making her the best part of this video).

It reveals what notable political figures may have really been saying during the inauguration, including Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush planning to ‘squeeze’ Trump, and try to keep it together when Obama and Trump exchange how they really feel about each other!


Bad Lip Reading Trump Inauguration
Bad Lip Reading


Without further ado, here’s a bad lip reading of Donald Trump’s inauguration:



‘Bad Lip Reading’ brought us some comedic relief throughout the entire presidential race, but were also behind such gems as ‘A Bad Lip Reading of the Empire Strikes Back‘ and the pure gold NFL voice overs.


Filed under: bad lip reading, bad lip reading Trump, donald trump, inauguration, Trump Inauguration, USA