Ok, so yesterday was a disaster in Vancouver, what with everything covered in wet snow, effectively grinding the city to a halt. Then came the giant slush puddle.

But! Was anyone hoping for a white Christmas?


(Stephanie Froese, NEWS 1130 Photo)
(Stephanie Froese, NEWS 1130 Photo)


With today and tomorrow (the first official day of winter) expected to reach a high of 7 degrees in Vancouver, whatever fell as snow yesterday will likely be all washed/melted away before December 25th. According to Environment Canada, here’s what we can expect in the days leading up to the holiday:


Vancouver weather Dec 20


Is it foolish to have hope that the evening of Dec 23/24 will bring a chance of flurries? Maybe. But, maybe not!

Either way, if you are seeking a white Christmas, all you have to do is point the car north and you will find it! Here’s Whistler’s Forecast:


Whistler Weather Dec 20


Remembering Vancouver’s snowstorm: Here’s our favourite pics posted by Vancouverites!


Filed under: Christmas in Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver Snow, Vancouver Snowstorm, Vancouver Weather, White Christmas