That’s not a very controversial statement.. because who doesn’t love the man? But this right here, is precisely why I love him.


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Recently he was on The Graham Norton Show and proves to us why he deserves our affection.

In this first short video, Hanks relives a couple of lines from Forrest Gump (all in the presence of a real-life runner, Mo Farah). Take a look:



Then! It that wasn’t enough, he goes on to discuss the ‘Bill Murray mix-up’.

Remember this?

The internet couldn’t decide which star this was, so host Graham Norton gets to the bottom of it!


Bill Murray or Tom Hanks


Hanks admits that there is a resemblance to Bill Murray and he says,“I’ve been doing a pale imitation of Bill Murray for most of my career”! With the help of fellow guests Gemma Arterton and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the stars recreate the photo!

So who is this exactly, Murray or Hanks?


Pretty funny stuff, eh?!

He’s humble.

He’s a good sport.

He’s quick witted.

I love ’em.


Filed under: Bill Murray, Forrest Gump, Graham Norton Show, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, tom-hanks