Michael Kelland John Hutchence was born on 22 January 1960, the son of Sydney businessman Kelland Hutchence, and make-up artist, Patricia.


It was on this day in 1997 that we lost him.


We always find out after the passing of an artist how real some lyrics are and they could have an even deeper meaning than what we translate.



I found some footage of the last rehearsal Michael did with the band the day before he passed.  From the outside it looks like the typical story.  The guy appears happy and excited, bragging that he just jammed with Billy Gibons of ZZ Top.  But on the inside it was a different story.  You can check the video out HERE.


No one will ever know the real reason we lost him that day.  But one thing we all can say for sure is that he made music that will live forever and the memory of Micahel Hutheson will remain.



  • Eric