There is a lot happening in the US, what with Donald Trump’s pending Presidency… and many Americans have said that they would move north to Canada if Donald Trump took the lead.

Well, he did.

What now?


Trump Wins


As of this morning, the Canadian immigration website is still not functioning, after it crashed last night, mid-election presumably due to an overload in people accessing the site:


Canadian Immigration Site Crashed


Our sister-publication, Maclean’s, was live on Facebook yesterday during the election, staked out at a remote spot on the Canada-U.S. border, somewhere in northern Vermont, where they watched Americans flood into Canada…

They spotted 28 cars of people heading north, (2 raccoons and 1 dog walker).


And, as of this morning, our Prime Minister has showed his support:


Trudeau Tweet


Others seem to be open to our southern neighbours packin’ up and heading our direction too:



So although my knee-jerk reaction is to dislike the idea of Americans mulling into Canada as a sort of consolation prize…

I am slowly reminding myself to uphold our Canadian values and extend them to others… we are welcoming, we are compassionate, we are sitting up here sippin’ double doubles!