This will likely cause some gut reactions from parents, as we all know how terrible, arduous and flat-out awful packing lunches can be. There are a million things to consider – like allergies, picky eaters, nutrition, ease, and the list goes on. But, isn’t it the parents job to decide what goes in the lunch box?

What is happening in some school boards in Ontario like Durham (and I’m sure elsewhere), are some teachers and supervisors are not only critiquing lunches but in certain instances not allowing kids to eat snacks that have been dubbed ‘unhealthy’ and/or having their packed lunches withdrawn entirely!



Most items being discouraged, according to the Toronto Star include, “Goldfish crackers, Bear Paws cookies, granola bars, string cheese, Jello, juice boxes, pudding cups, gummy fruit snacks, raisins, Animal Crackers, chocolate milk and Sun Chips.” For this article alone the news publication received 30 cases where parents have had their children’s “unhealthy” food restricted in some form.


Here’s what’s troubling about this; who gets to decide what is healthy or not? Who gets to make decisions around lunches, teachers or parents? What happens when you cannot afford to provide the highest quality lunches?


Lunches are tough enough as it is, and sometimes all you need to keep your kid happy is a cookie! Am I right?! Where do you stand on the issue?

HERE is the link to the original article.


Filed under: Back To School, Lunches, Parenting, parents, school lunches, Teachers