Science Fiction is having a wonderful moment in the spotlight this summer. Captivating the audience with artificial intelligence, extraordinary mysteries, and unnerving supernatural forces, ‘Morgan’ is a movie to add to this list.




As we’ve seen elsewhere this season, ‘Morgan’ is about a girl who presents ‘a mystery of both infinite promise and incalculable danger’ (sounds something like ‘Stranger Things’ on Netflix).

‘A corporate troubleshooter (Kate Mara) is sent to a remote, top-secret location, where she is to investigate and evaluate a terrifying accident. She learns the event was triggered by a seemingly innocent “human,” who turns out to be a bioengineered child (Anya Taylor-Joy) that starts to become dangerous.


Rick Lee’s Movie Preview:

Play Pause

Woman Machine Poem (Audio)

Originally Aired: September 2, 2016



How do you feel about that?!

I don’t know about you, but robots and artificial intelligence don’t sit comfortably with me, and maybe that’s because technology is coming closer and closer to simulating human life. One of those ‘too close for comfort’ situations.

Watch this video, where two robots react to the ‘Morgan’ trailer:



So, will you go see it?

‘Morgan’ opens in theatres today.

Filed under: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Morgan, new-movie, Robots, Sci-fi, Science Fiction