Shooting star seekers, it’s time for the annual Perseid Meteor Shower!

AND! If you’re heading out to see the shower August 11th and 12th, you may be in for a much better show than in years past! This year’s shower is supposed to be the best since 2009.


Courtesy: iStock
Courtesy: iStock


This is supposed to be the most active meteor shower all year!

Meteors will appear to come from the constellation Persues (giving the meteor shower its name).

The peak of the shower will occur August 11th and 12th, at which point, you should be able to see more than 60 ‘shooting stars’ per hour!

Now, it may be the wee hours of the morning, but experts are saying the night skies will be active for the following week, so you have plenty of time to check it out!




You should be able to see the meteor shower from the city, but the darker the sky, the better!

NASA’s Jane Houston Jones outlines in THIS VIDEO where and when you can see the shower.

Filed under: Meteor Shower, Perseid Meteor Shower, Shooting Stars