

Eddie Van Halen is celebrating his 61st Birthday today and so let’s celebrate the man for the amazing guitarist, bad-ass rock’n roller, musical genius that he is!


Here’s 5 reasons to celebrate Eddie Van Halen today….

Because of amazing guitar solos like the “Eruption” that used a technique called tapping (both left and right hands on the guitar neck)


Because Eddie was just soooo badass!!!  He no longer smokes cigarettes however having surgically lost one-third of his tongue to cancer that eventually drifted into his esophagus in 2001..





Because he contributed the guitar solo to Michael Jackson’s BEAT IT and declined any payment!



Because after years of battling drug and alcohol abuse Eddie’s been sober since 2008…





Because Eddie can bust out the high-kicks, and swing from a cable while still slaying on the guitar….



Happy Birthday Eddie!
