Photo: Flickr user: Graham C99
Photo: Flickr user Graham C99

All this week at 6:40, 7:40 and 8:40, we’ll be spinning the Big Wheel of Topics! It’s pretty straight forward, and exactly as it sounds. We have a giant wheel in the JACK studios loaded up with topics. We give it a spin and whatever it lands on, that will be our topic! Then, we play a song or two and hope the radio gods found us a listener that can come to the table with a story related to the topic the wheel lands on.


This could go really well or we might just end up with egg on our faces. Hey, that could even be one of the topics on the wheel, “When did you get egg on your face?” See! We have no idea where this will go. Here’s a short list of topics already on the wheel:


  • Zebras
  • Senior Citizens
  • Gary Busey
  • Goldie Hawn
  • Romantic Celebrity Encounters
  • Interesting House History
  • Licked by a Random
  • What happened when you used the wrong name?
  • Fights with Cats
  • What did you lie about?
  • Carnies
  • Delaware
  • My Evil Relative
  • Who’s Got Daddy Issues?
  • What Happened in the Woods?
  • Why Were You On TV?
  • The Roxy or Roosters
  • Kissing Cousins
  • Ruined by a bodily function
  • What did you break?
  • What can’t you un-see?
  • Why were you walking funny?

If there’s a topic you want to see on the wheel, let us know here or on our Facebook page! Here’s what’s happened so far:


Spin 1

So it happened, we spun the wheel and our first topic was chosen. Zebras. We thought we’d get stories of people painting their white horses black, or their black horses white. That was not the case.



Spin 2

We left it up to fate once again, and we were not disappointed. Our second spin gave us the topic “What did you do in the woods?” which gave us this hilarious story from Tom and Nick from North Van.



Spin 3

Our third spin landed us on a broad question, “Why were you on TV?” Linda from White Rock saved us with her story of how she ended up eating chocolate chip cookies with Marcy Playground, TJ shares her story, AND Brian from Surrey got someone in trouble by being on TV with them.



Spin 4

Well this is awkward. Gary Busey. Thanks wheel…



Spin 5

When the wheel landed on “My Evil Relative” we weren’t expecting a call that would require us to keep them anonymous and change their voice:

This proved to be a popular topic. We kept getting calls on this:



Spin 6

Other than Gary Busey, there’s one other celebrity on the wheel. Goldie Hawn. And believe it or not, people have Goldie Hawn stories:



Spin 7

The wheel decided to make our next topic family related, but with a spin! (Get it? Wheel… Spin…) Kissing Cousins.

Arnie called us with a story that we couldn’t air, but we can put it online.



Spin 8

Two of the most notorious places to party in the lower mainland, and your stories proved it. The Roxy or Roosters was spin number 8:



Spin 9

We’ve all been guilty of calling someone by the wrong name. Take for example, your local Starbucks barista. Still not as bad as these stories:



Spin 10

Why were you walking funny?



Spin 11

What did you break or ruin? We’re not talking hearts here…



Spin 12

What did you lie about? We’re not talking about little white lies here, we mean full on juicy lies like this one from an anonymous caller:



Spin 13

Ah lucky number 13, what will the wheel bring us today? “Interesting House History.” Candice in Vancouver will tell you why her house is on a haunted house tour:



Spin 14

How fitting that the last spin would land us on “Apologies.” Listeners called in taking this opportunity to say sorry to someone who deserves it.