tj bath whoville

When I posted this photo, the last thing I thought I’d get out of it was flirtatious msgs from a 21-year old…


But that’s what happened!


*From his profile pic, we know Dave from Maple Ridge is a handsome young man in his early 20’s.


Sept 12th @ 6:15p – DAVE: “Too bad you’re not single.”


Sept 12th @ 6:33p – ME: “Dave, you’re far too young for me anyway…AND you live in Maple Ridge. The distance would kill us. Unless it was just a one night thing—but I digress.


Sept 14th @ 7:06p – DAVE (private message): “TJ, we need to meet up and go for drinks sometime.


Sept 16th @ 7:50a – ME: “Hi, Dave! I’m on the air right now on JACK as I type this. I think it’s really sweet that you wanna go for drinks with me. But considering I’m married (and you are so handsome), I don’t think it would be appropriate. However, you have me really curious about your attraction to older women. I mean, c’mon, I’ve gotta be a solid 15 years older than you, ya? Are you up for having some fun with this? I want to invite you to come on the show with us, over the phone, to chat. Please, say you’re up for it?


***UPDATE: Dave from Maple Ridge did NOT respond to my request to join us on JACK. :(


Are You attracted to women much older than you? We’ve already heard from Ben In Surrey:



We also heard from Sailor David. He had an “adventure” with a woman 40 years older than him when he was in his 20s:



~ @TaraJean FM on Twitter & Instagram