
News broke about a man that’s been avoiding paying the tolls while crossing the Golden Ears bridge by rigging up a mechanism that used cables to drop the plate out of sight when in view of the cameras. More on that story here. So on that note, this morning Kiah & Tara Jean are asking, “What have you done that’s very crafty, yet slightly illegal?” Your stories here:

More ridiculous things YOU’VE done here:

Arnie was a crafty little child growing up, and Paul got out of paying TONS of money. Their stories here:


An anonymous caller told us of his hi-jinx that could’ve easily gotten him thrown in jail:


Another anonymous caller has become a professional smuggler… of sorts.


Do you remember BC Tel? Well this man may hold the reason why they’re not around anymore:


Be a part of our show, call us with your stories at 604-280-5225!