EOTW - Parm

Well, this was a heartwarming one!  Julie Ross of  Westpro Infrastructure Ltd nominated her coworker Parm as Kiah and Tara jean’s Employee of the Week, because, ostensibly, Parm “…works really hard with no complaining ever. She’s a sweet girl and deserves a treat.”

Sounds suspiciously pandering to us, but who are we to judge?  Oh, and Julie Ross is Australian so Kiah was all set for a “big night” which is apparently Australian slang for “one hell of a party.”

By the way, in a round of No Time to Google, Julie beat then pants off Parm, so her respect for her coworkers obviously only goes so far.

We showed up with our usual round of No Time to Google, fed everyone  with a delicious lunch from Boston Pizza  and everyone danced and had a good time . Would you like to be Kiah and Tara Jean’s next Employee of the Week? Nominate yourself (or a coworker) here

The folks at Westpro went all out with this custom made Welcome Sign.
Tara Jean is a prawn. Julia is a marmoset.


Julia does a victory dance.