As July turns to August, JACKfm’s Trucksicle tour rolls on, sponsored by Sprott Shaw College and the Intenational Summer Night Market. Here’s what we’ve been up to this week…

New Westminster’s 12th Street Music Festival is a great celebration of local talent, featuring a variety of Canadian jazz, blues, folk, country, rock and pop acts in one of New Westminster’s most historic neighborhoods. We brought the Trucksicle along for the fun!

The Capilano suspension bridge is a popular tourist destination, but it’s also great for locals if you have never been. Despite the fact that I’m afraid of heights, I braved the treetop adventure zone to bring freezies to overheated explorers!

The International Summer Night Market is an all-ages event that’s free to enter and has something for everyone. We brought the Trucksicle out for a Dim Sum sampling!

And finally, Hot Import Nights 2015 is an exhibition of import cars from around the world, hosted by the lovely Starlight Casino. The Trucksicle was there to show off it’s 22 inch rims!

Stay tuned to find out where we’ll be next week!