Delta - The City of Maps!

Delta – The City of Maps!

This was certainly an interesting one. With Tara Jean’s planned relocation to Ladner, we took this opportunity to go right to the source – Samantha Cacnio of the Delta Chamber of Commerce. If anyone could persuade TJ of the benefits of living in Ladner, was Samantha.

Said Samantha,”…    I would love a free lunch (from Boston Pizza), and so would my co-workers from the Delta Chamber of Commerce! It would also be great to meet the team at JACKfm! ”  (She obviously threw in that bit about meeting the gang from JACKfm as an afterthought.)  Would you like Kiah and Tara Jean to show up at your workplace with lunch from Boston Pizza?  You can tell us  why we should come to your place of work- here!

No Time to Google LIVE!