Google Street View What did you see


That Google Street View camera can come around at some of the most inopportune times, and sometimes it catches people doing what they shouldn’t. Take for example, a British man that was ordered to quit smoking by his doctor. Google Street View, and his wife, caught him smoking outside their home. That story AND your calls here:




Meet Donny Ryding, a British cab driver that has been in terrible health. So much so that doctors have ordered him to stop smoking. After a brief argument with his wife, he storms out of the house. It just so happens that the Google Street View car was driving in their neighbourhood that day and caught the guy in the act. The family now jokes about the incident. (Full article here)


How about something a little closer to home? This poor little girl was spotted falling on the sidewalk on Queens Ave in New West:






Even Big Ginger was spotted on Google Street View washing his car (pre water restrictions) at his parents place:




It appears that Google Street View has been busting people for doing all sorts of things, just listen to these stories that our listeners called in with at 280-JACK!



And just for kicks, here’s an eclectic collection of people that the Google Street View cameras have captured over the years: