Aloha, amigos! It’s Galleon Windjammer, JACK FM’s Minister of Rock and Trucksicle captain, at your service! Here’s a taste of some of the awesome events we’ve been at in the past week! As always, Trucksicle Tour 2015 is sponsored by Sprott Shaw College and the International Summer Night Market.

The Trucksicle was on location Friday night at the International Summer Night Market. Tons of vendors, entertainment and above all, food were on hand! I’m now officially addicted to BBQ Squid.

Khatsalano Street Festival is Vancouver’s largest free arts and music festival, and the Trucksicle was on hand for all the action. As JACK FM’s Minister of Rock, it was my duty to introduce some of Vancouver’s best local bands on the Main Stage. In total there were over 50 bands and 13 blocks of fun to celebrate the Kits community… YOWZA!

Finally, the JACK FORCE was on the scene all weekend long at Carnival Del Sol, Vancouver’s largest celebration of Latin American food and culture… as always, we brought the swag, if not quite the sunshine!

Stay tuned to find out where you can find the Trucksicle at more cool summer events near you!