Just a taste of the hijinks I have planned for the weekend....
Just a taste of the hi-jinks I have planned for the weekend….

Ahoy mateys, JACK FM’s Minister of Rock, Galleon Windjammer here, coming at you live from cubicle E-17 on the second floor of our palatial studios at 2440 Ash Street.

The Trucksicle is out of commission again… This time it ran out of gas on me as I was cruising down Marine Drive in Burnaby (The gas gauge doesn’t work anymore, so this is a regular occurrence). Fortunately, that area is flat, so I was able to coast most of the way to a gas station. We got it filled up, but it seems issues with the brakes and the ignition will keep it off the road for another week or two. Towing companies really need to offer frequent flyer bonus rates.

Anyways, we got a new battery but they’re still tinkering with the brakes a bit. If that doesn’t work we can just make the horn louder. So until then, I have no way of getting to work. And that means I have no way of actually doing work.

So instead, I will do the following things this weekend:

-Sleep in
-Make myself bacon and eggs for breakfast
-Read the paper
-Play with my cats
-Eat whole lot of ice cream
-Go for a bike ride on the dyke in Richmond
-Watch 10 episodes of the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix
-Drink a 6 pack of Cariboo and watch the Canucks play Toronto with Big Ginger while heckling my TV.
-I was thinking about doing one of those “painting in a bar” art classes. That’s a good time.
-Aaaaaaaaaand… maybe I’ll clean the garage. If there’s time.

A guy could get used to this. Oh, and uh… anybody wanna carpool on Monday?